Thursday, April 29, 2010

Zero Day

Lander and Jill took their first zero day today. This means that they intentionally didn't hike at all today. It is like on survivor when they win a day of luxury and get to eat outback. Here is part of the story of how it came to be a zero day. The weather has been rough. They hiked and slept in the wind and rain. Lander tried to create a poncho cover for her pack and herself but the wind kept blowing it off. After a long day of walking they thought they would get a good nights rest. But the wind was so loud it kept them up all night long. Wednesday they knew they couldn't keep going like this. They hiked 18 miles to get to a motel and pigged out on pizza. They slept in this morning and found a local place to eat apple pie and a big lunch. Afterwards another random guy gave them a ride to the trail and told them a good 'non windy' spot to sleep tonight.
She sounded rested on the phone and well fed :) She was in good spirits. So my question today is, can we take zero days? how many are we allowed to take?

1 comment:

  1. i'm so jealous lander! i hope you were able to get some rest!!! love you!
