Thursday, April 22, 2010

Slight Delay and Tom the Grace Guy

Jill called me today and told me she wouldn't be able to get to the kickoff until Saturday, a day later than planned. I immidiately switched into frustrated "bia" mode. I'm ready to start the trail and where her reasons are good ones, I had a pity party for myself. I was about to hitch a ride to the kickoff and camp out when we heard four guys had a room they were not going to use. The weather is terrible, so Zac and I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask about it. He told us to meet him in the office in ten minutes. We met him, he gave us the room for FREE and some firewood. What?!

When we offered to pay he asked if we knew the meaning of grace. Hence the name, Tom the Grace Guy.

Moments like that give you a real good wake up call. A lesson in grace will take you a long way.

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