Monday, May 10, 2010

Hitch Hiking

This morning, Jill and I woke up at 6:30, packed, walked three miles to the highway 15 and held out our thumbs wishing for the best. Border Patrol got on his speaker and told us hitch hiking was illegal in the state of California and then proceeded to ask us what the "*!&%" we were thinking, as did several cars. I would say the further you are from the PCT, the more dangerous it is to hitch hike. We were 60 miles from the trail and no one is really aware of hikers. We looked like a pair of very stupid young ladies.

However, we got three rides from good hearted people. The first ride was a woman who said she'd give us a ride as long as we promised not to rob her, the second was from a Latino gentleman from Bakersfield, and the third was a younger man who was scared we would be picked up by pshycos and drove 35 miles out of his way.

Thank you for picking us up! I will never hitch hike as far away as we did from the PCT again. It honestly made me a bit nervous at points and the "you girls are idiots" looks start getting to you.


  1. charlie is cracking up laughing and i think you just sent me into an early panic attack!!!! we love you
